The researchers at the Ma Institute of Technology (MIT) have found America's new method is more effective to collect heat from the sun. The technology was published in the journal "Science" on 11/7, scientists have used the glass plate coated organic dye to absorb light in the glass. This heat source is then led off the edge of the glass, where it has built the solar cells, and is converted into electricity. In the context of fossil fuels are running out and the gas burned they create caused greenhouse emissions, the main reason causing climate change, the solar energy is the alternative fuel are many scientists thought. However, the problem is that the cost of this energy source by far higher than the cost for the use of traditional energy sources.
With new technology, the cost problem almost solved. Researcher Jonathan Mapel, one of the study's authors on, hoping the new technology will help reduce the cost of producing electricity from solar energy down to a level equal to the cost of producing electricity from traditional fuels such as coal.
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Good sharing