Solar batteries (batteries/solar photovoltaic batteries) is the device that helps direct conversion of sunlight energy (photosynthesis) into electrical energy (electrical power) based on the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is the ability to emit electrons (electrons) when was the light shining on the matter.
Solar panels, the large surface systems accumulate sunlight and change it into electricity,, is made of many cells have the task of implementing the process of generating electricity from sunlight.

Silicon is known as a semiconductor. "Semiconductors are materials that mediate between conductors and insulators. Semiconductors act as an insulator at a lower temperature and conductivity at room temperature ". With such properties, silicon is an important component in the structure of the solar battery.
Silicon but have limited power but it has a crystal structure is very suitable for creating semiconductors. Silicon atoms need 4 electrons to neutralize the charge but the outside crust of a silicon atom has only half the number of electrons necessary so it will hold with other atoms to find a way to neutralize the charge.
To increase the conductivity of the silicon, the scientists were "impurities" it by combining it with other materials. This process is called "doping" and silicon doped with the impurity creates free electrons and holes of the drum. A semiconductor silicon has two parts, each part to be doped with other materials. The first part is mixed with phosphorus, phosphorus need 5 electrons to neutralize the charge and have enough 5 electrons in the shell of it. When combined with silicon, an electron will balance out. The electron characterized for negative charge so this section will be called the silicon type N (N electrode). To create silicon type P (P electrode), scientists combine silicon with boron.Boron electron just 3 to neutralize the charge and when combined with silicon will create these openings should be filled by electrons.

When the silicon semiconductor exposure to energy, the free electrons in the electrode N will move to fill the hole side electrode p. then, the electrons from the electrode and electrode P will together create electric fields. Solar cells will become a diode, allowing electrons to move from P to N electrode electrode, not allowed to move in reverse.
Of course, in order to activate the process of energy required contact with silicon cells. Sunlight consists of very small particles called photons are emitted from the Sun, small particles of energy can be exposed to solar cells and loosens the link of the electrons in the electrode N. The migration of the elentron freedom from N to P electrode electrode generates electric current.
When the electric field was created, all what we need to do is collect and convert it into usable electricity. An inverter is mounted with solar cells will turn electric current from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). Alternating current is the flow of electricity we're using everywhere.
Solar cells at present still lack effectiveness
The technology transform sunlight into electricity at present still less effective. The solar panels can not absorb the entire energy of sunlight. In General, the solar cell current best can only move 25% of the energy that it receives into electrical power. Why is that? The fact that the sunlight, like all the other light types, covering a spectrum with different wavelengths, the wavelength of each have a different intensity. There are wavelengths too weak could not liberate the electrons while some wavelengths too strongly with silicon.
Moreover, the solar panels need to be put in the position of extremely special. The angle of the solar panels need to be calculated to get the maximum amount of sunlight and, of course, the solar panels are only really useful if placed where there is plenty of sunlight. Put solar panels in less sunny weather will turn them into the ridiculous art and expensive.

Black Silicon can create revolution in solar industry
Scientists are continuing research aimed at developing more efficient solar panels. The solar cells in the form of thin film, produced from cadmium, much thinner than silicon cells and has the ability to absorb solar energy better. But currently, the ability to turn the collected energy into electricity by solar cells cadmium is still quite poorly. However, the scientists want to study more about the type of solar cells by them have cheap rates and convenient size.
One of the other major innovations deserve mention as "black silicon". Black Silicon is silicon processed to have a black surface by the color black absorbs light better.
Black Silicon will create solar cells have the ability to absorb better, especially in the areas of sunlight or common exposure to sunlight in the low angle. The biggest drawback in the present time it is the process of creating black for silicon increases its surface area, increasing the possibility of re-mix of electrons. The free electrons will search the recombined with silicon cells rather than move to join with other atoms to create electric current.
Black silicon research process is still ongoing. Recently, Finnish scientists have found methods of reducing the cases of re-mix, increasing the ability to convert sunlight into electricity up 22.1%. Does this metabolism level yet with typical silicon but sure it will be improved in the future.
Solar panels, the large surface systems accumulate sunlight and change it into electricity,, is made of many cells have the task of implementing the process of generating electricity from sunlight.
Silicon is known as a semiconductor. "Semiconductors are materials that mediate between conductors and insulators. Semiconductors act as an insulator at a lower temperature and conductivity at room temperature ". With such properties, silicon is an important component in the structure of the solar battery.
Silicon but have limited power but it has a crystal structure is very suitable for creating semiconductors. Silicon atoms need 4 electrons to neutralize the charge but the outside crust of a silicon atom has only half the number of electrons necessary so it will hold with other atoms to find a way to neutralize the charge.
To increase the conductivity of the silicon, the scientists were "impurities" it by combining it with other materials. This process is called "doping" and silicon doped with the impurity creates free electrons and holes of the drum. A semiconductor silicon has two parts, each part to be doped with other materials. The first part is mixed with phosphorus, phosphorus need 5 electrons to neutralize the charge and have enough 5 electrons in the shell of it. When combined with silicon, an electron will balance out. The electron characterized for negative charge so this section will be called the silicon type N (N electrode). To create silicon type P (P electrode), scientists combine silicon with boron.Boron electron just 3 to neutralize the charge and when combined with silicon will create these openings should be filled by electrons.
When the silicon semiconductor exposure to energy, the free electrons in the electrode N will move to fill the hole side electrode p. then, the electrons from the electrode and electrode P will together create electric fields. Solar cells will become a diode, allowing electrons to move from P to N electrode electrode, not allowed to move in reverse.
Of course, in order to activate the process of energy required contact with silicon cells. Sunlight consists of very small particles called photons are emitted from the Sun, small particles of energy can be exposed to solar cells and loosens the link of the electrons in the electrode N. The migration of the elentron freedom from N to P electrode electrode generates electric current.
When the electric field was created, all what we need to do is collect and convert it into usable electricity. An inverter is mounted with solar cells will turn electric current from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). Alternating current is the flow of electricity we're using everywhere.
Solar cells at present still lack effectiveness
The technology transform sunlight into electricity at present still less effective. The solar panels can not absorb the entire energy of sunlight. In General, the solar cell current best can only move 25% of the energy that it receives into electrical power. Why is that? The fact that the sunlight, like all the other light types, covering a spectrum with different wavelengths, the wavelength of each have a different intensity. There are wavelengths too weak could not liberate the electrons while some wavelengths too strongly with silicon.
Moreover, the solar panels need to be put in the position of extremely special. The angle of the solar panels need to be calculated to get the maximum amount of sunlight and, of course, the solar panels are only really useful if placed where there is plenty of sunlight. Put solar panels in less sunny weather will turn them into the ridiculous art and expensive.
Black Silicon can create revolution in solar industry
Scientists are continuing research aimed at developing more efficient solar panels. The solar cells in the form of thin film, produced from cadmium, much thinner than silicon cells and has the ability to absorb solar energy better. But currently, the ability to turn the collected energy into electricity by solar cells cadmium is still quite poorly. However, the scientists want to study more about the type of solar cells by them have cheap rates and convenient size.
One of the other major innovations deserve mention as "black silicon". Black Silicon is silicon processed to have a black surface by the color black absorbs light better.
Black Silicon will create solar cells have the ability to absorb better, especially in the areas of sunlight or common exposure to sunlight in the low angle. The biggest drawback in the present time it is the process of creating black for silicon increases its surface area, increasing the possibility of re-mix of electrons. The free electrons will search the recombined with silicon cells rather than move to join with other atoms to create electric current.
Black silicon research process is still ongoing. Recently, Finnish scientists have found methods of reducing the cases of re-mix, increasing the ability to convert sunlight into electricity up 22.1%. Does this metabolism level yet with typical silicon but sure it will be improved in the future.
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