The principle of operation of fluorescent lamps

The principle of operation of fluorescent lamps:

Though out the store buy fluorescent bulb, then everything was ready. However there is a new understanding not to forget and not to fight the wrong line when replacement or new Assembly must not you!

Wiring diagram of active principle of optical huỳng bulb is a serial circuit as follows:

Active principle fluorescent bulb-diagram wiring instructions

Active principle fluorescent bulb-diagram wiring instructions

In the principle of operation of the fluorescent bulbs include:

FUSE (Fuse), Rats (Starter, Tắcte,), ballasts (Increase of cottage cheese, increase the Turbo spools, pô), tube Lights

The principle of operation of the fluorescent bulbs stuck way line:

The two ends of the wire from the outside in (tentatively called power cord), then 1 head will Increase over the cheese and Cheese-from rising-go up 1 foot of the fluorescent lamps (1 head 2 foot = > up to 4 feet).

Top wire of power cord from outside will go directly to 1 foot on the other end of the lamp

Leftovers 2 legs in the first 2 lights will be connected via the mouse (the prey), prey in between the 2 lamp.

Electrical circuits in the principle of operation of fluorescent lamps say on a specific circuit is stuck saying serial 3 elements: increased pô (roll)-tube lamp-principle of te. Incidence of sequence as mentioned above, i.e. getting followed, but the principle of alternating between light hairs 2 te.Principle of te here plays the role that played off automatically.

The principle of operation of fluorescent lamps:
Nguyên lý hoạt động của bóng đèn huỳnh quang - sơ đồ đi dây dẫn sai

When closing the power, have the line running through the circuits on (because the starter is a neon ball allows electric current to run through when a voltage > 160V) heat starter. Bimetallic in starter heats up exposing the circuit, the voltage on the 2 head lights will increase abruptly up > 400V (because of the increase of cottage cheese is high pressure will create a coil when suddenly switches off). High voltage on 2 discharge lamps, head through the lights. Electric current through the lamp form ion impact fluorescent glow lamp made of flour. After the bright lights, the voltage on the 2 lamp head reduced to about 40 V, starter does not work anymore. Electric current through the lamp's power is limited by the increase of cottage cheese.

More details about the principle of operation of fluorescent lamps:

-Fluorescent bulb is a marine pipe ends with 2 strands of hair bulbs (tungsten fibers). One vacuum making in only a small, mixed more on that a little rare gas (inert gases-Argon for example). With different inert gases will create different colors. When you close the source, there is electric current running through the hair shaft light do they heat up, the emission of electrons into the cloud surrounding the hair bulb.

-Originally a high voltage to create pressure difference between the 2 polar heads to an electric field in electron cloud nozzle to create electric current (negative charge will move backwards in this electric field direction expression being sucked about that more positive pole). The original line of negative charge in the gas pipes relatively small, poorly after ascending up due to the flow of negative charge moving collide with gas molecules are rare in the pipe do this ionized molecules increase density of electric charge in the tube. Electric current-style waterfall hikes, to when the power LED light tube pole between the two reached the pole (or resistive drop gas to state-we temporarily treated roughly by 0 hug). No need to maintain a high voltage between the 2 extreme tubes that are still current.High voltage should be "off" at the right time-if not longer do ionization phenomena take place too strong fire lights.

The principle of operation of the fluorescent bulbs-diagram wiring leads to false

The principle of operation of the fluorescent bulbs-diagram wiring leads to false

-How to create a high voltage between the 2 extreme tubes? And then how to cut the high voltage at the right time? Furthermore the process that must automatically does not need people (you see I just need any switches, lights, then blink blink a few self morning!).

-To create the control on the process, people use a coil electric resistance L great, we call this the roll increased pô or booster. Due to roll the L was stuck with the code te-which is a direct heat-so when I plug it into the power source on circuit "transition process" following happens: When closing the cell through circuits on the next point, the heat of the hot hatch collapsed and te rules do direct leaves separated the circuit breaker.

-Do the line over the sudden cut L roll should roll in L, born a electric power activities (SĐĐTC) is to create an electrical sensor itself is the electric current of the circuit at the circuit breaker before.Inductance L, the phenomenon of cut circuit as abruptly, the SĐĐTC was born. At this time formed a high voltage between the 2 top neon bulbs. Then when the code te disconnect direct leaves cools and again closed, this serial was again at the circuit connecting the electrical return through clogged te continue warming it was disconnected, the SĐĐTC are born between 2 pole top neon ball. After a few times of ionized gas phenomenon discharge in neon tubes create enough electrical resistor between the 2 top do falls tube neon dropped by 0 hug, do short circuit 2 the beginning principle of te.

-Power line results through rule rule = 0, te te is not hot anymore so no longer close the cut (which in n status

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